Golden Ratio series

This group of paintings is an evolution of a series that I started in 2009. At the time my work conceptually dealt with the power and energy of windstorms and the visible patterns they create in nature. As the work progressed and I focused on the cyclonic shapes I began to notice the same pattern in many other places around us. The series evolved into something new. This led me to the idea of the Golden ratio, Fibonacci sequence and similar concepts. This cyclical pattern can be found not only in our typhoons, hurricanes and tornadoes but also in our galaxies, our seashells, our flowers, even in our own DNA. In most of this series I utilize a phosphorescent material that absorbs the light while illuminated then when submerged in darkness glows brightly with a blue luminescence that creates an altogether different personality and character. This visual duality in character is a reflection of my reaction to these forces of nature... powerful, destructive and monstrous while being balancing, rejuvenating and beautiful, all contained within the same space.


Music Box series


Windmills & Pumpjacks